
The Mindful Approach to Curb Cravings and Improve Your Eating Habits

I’ve got a quick one for you today that might just change how you look at certain foods! Especially those craving-trigger foods. You know, the ones you try your best to avoid thinking about altogether! But have you ever noticed that when someone tells you NOT to think about something, you end up thinking about it even more? It’s like saying, “Don’t think about cute, cuddly kittens.” Chances are, you pictured a kitten right away, didn’t you? (you’re welcome)

Well, it turns out that the same phenomenon can happen when you suddenly banish foods from your diet because they are labeled as “bad.” Research shows that trying to suppress thoughts about certain foods can actually intensify your cravings! So, what’s the solution? Researchers recommend a different approach – focusing on the effects of eating those foods. In this blog post, we’ll explore this mindful approach to curbing cravings and improving your eating habits.

The Power of Post-Consumption Reflection

Instead of fixating on how you shouldn’t eat that pizza, ice cream, or chocolate, try shifting your perspective. Consider how these foods make you feel AFTER you eat them. It’s a simple yet effective strategy to gain control over your cravings and make healthier choices.


Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • How do these foods make you feel physically after consumption? Do they give you a headache, a stomachache, or bloating?
  • What about your mood? Do you feel sluggish, guilty, or regretful?
  • How’s your energy level? Do you experience a quick burst followed by a crash?
  • If you’re a nighttime snacker, think about what eating those foods close to bedtime might do to your sleep quality and how you’ll feel tomorrow.

The Unpleasant Aftermath of Craving-Trigger Foods

Let’s dive deeper into why this approach is so powerful. Most of the foods we crave might taste heavenly in the moment, but they don’t feel so great afterward. Here’s a closer look at the less-than-pleasant effects of indulging in craving-trigger foods:


  • Physical discomfort: Many of these foods can lead to physical discomfort such as indigestion, heartburn, or even more serious digestive issues.
  • Mood swings: High-sugar or high-fat foods can cause rapid fluctuations in your mood, leading to irritability, anxiety, or feelings of guilt.
  • Energy crashes: Sugary snacks often result in a quick energy boost, followed by a sharp drop in energy levels, leaving you feeling fatigued and lethargic.
  • Sleep disturbances: Consuming certain foods close to bedtime can disrupt your sleep patterns, making it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Applying Mindfulness to Your Eating Habits

Now that you understand the power of post-consumption reflection, let’s discuss how you can apply mindfulness to your eating habits:


  • Pause before you indulge: Instead of reaching for that tempting snack impulsively, take a moment to think about how you’ll feel afterward.
  • Keep a food diary: Track what you eat and how it makes you feel physically and emotionally. This can help you identify patterns and make informed choices.
  • Practice moderation: You don’t have to completely eliminate your favorite foods, but consume them in moderation to minimize the negative effects.
  • Plan alternatives: Find healthier alternatives to your go-to comfort foods. For example, replace ice cream with frozen yogurt or opt for whole-grain pizza with plenty of veggies.

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Remember, it’s not about depriving yourself of the foods you love; it’s about making conscious choices that prioritize your well-being. By focusing on the effects of what you eat, you can regain control over your cravings and develop a healthier relationship with food. So, the next time you’re tempted by that pizza, think about how you’ll feel after you eat it. Try this strategy, and you may just find yourself making a different, more mindful decision. Your body and mind will thank you for it!

final note

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