
5 Healthy takes for a happier gut

How does improving digestion affect your health and mood? There’s often a strong connection between our mood and how our gut feels. When cramping, bloating, and stomach queasiness appear, we can often feel like it’s the worst day ever.


It’s also interesting to note how much our stomach plays a critical role in the direction of our health. Think about it: when our stomach is at its best, we feel our best. We can go work out without feeling slowed down, we can run our never-ending errands, and we can rest better. 

So what can you do to keep your gut healthy?

Nutrition obviously plays a big role in improving your gut health. So here’s what you can implement into your diet.


1. Vegetables
Make sure you get your fiber in every day. No, here we don’t mean eating all bran every single day. Veggies are a great source of fiber and just by including vegetables like tomatoes, cucumber, Zucchini, butternut squash, carrots and even beets into your meals you can make sure you have sufficient fiber intake. 


2. Fruits
Fiber also comes in the form of fruit. For example, the skin of apples is essentially solely fiber. All fruits — including bananas, prunes, and berries — have a high amount of fiber that will get your gut moving. You can add sliced apple or berries to your oatmeal or enjoy it as a midday snack. 


3. Oils
Oils such as coconut or flaxseed oil are known for their ability to increase the flow of digestion. When cooking substitute your usual oils for these types of oils that are healthier for you and that can still help you reach your fitness goals!


4. Drink more water.

Water really is magical. Not only does it help with weight loss, muscle recovery and to hydrate you it can also aid your digestive system. To help with your digestion, make a point of drinking a glass of water with every meal (including snacks). Keep your water bottle near you at all times – and make it a goal to replace juices and sodas with old-fashioned water. To zoosh up your water, you can add natural flavors like fresh cucumber or lemon slices!


5. Probiotics 

Probiotics are the good bacteria that help balance good and bad bacteria to keep your digestive system working. According to Harvard Women’s Health Watch, probiotic therapy has proven to help many gastrointestinal problems. You may be familiar with probiotics in the form of yogurt, kefir, fermented foods, or in supplement form. The best way to maintain a probiotic-friendly diet is by adding yogurt to your snack options, in form of a daily supplement, or trying out kombucha tea.


final note

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