

Published by ForeverStrong, 1st November 2022

When pushing your body through new ranges of movement and intensity levels, your body is going to be sore. It’s part of any fitness journey. Muscle soreness is actually an indication of a job well done. You’re challenging your body in a new way, and naturally there will be some pain as your muscles rebuild themselves to adapt and become stronger. Once you get more accustomed to exercise by training frequently, you’ll find that muscle soreness crops up less and less often, even after a particularly tough workout.


Even though muscle soreness can be seen as a marker of a good workout, it’s not an enjoyable experience. To help, here’s 4 simple but useful tips on how to tackle muscle soreness so you can enjoy training, get back to the gym sooner, and continue working on your goals.

Get more sleep.

When you’re snoozing, your muscles take the opportunity to repair themselves and muscle-building chemicals such as Human Growth Hormone are naturally produced by your body in the deep sleep stages. Sleep is a truly regenerative process where your body is able to restore, rebuild and adapt. Developing a good sleep routine won’t only help with DOMS but will also help in gaining muscle and losing fat long term. You should generally aim for around 7-8 hours every night.


Stay hydrated.

A lack of electrolytes contributes to muscle soreness so you need to make sure you are staying hydrated throughout your workout. Your muscles are working harder and so they demand more oxygen therefore needing more blood pumping around – around 82% of your blood volume actually consists of water, so hydration is much more important and effective than simply quenching your thirst!

Eat more Protein.

Protein is a critical nutrient for building and maintaining muscle, so it plays a huge role in helping your muscles recover from a tough workout.  The best time to consume protein is before and after training. This way, your body will use the extra protein to build and repair muscle fibers.

Stay Active.

Probably the last thing you feel like doing when you experience muscle soreness is moving. However, active recovery where you perform gentle, restorative movements can be one of the most effective tools you can use to dramatically decrease the amount of muscle soreness you experience. After all, sedentary lifestyles cause more harm than good – so get moving! Light exercise that can help to stretch the sore muscles can also provide some pain relief by keeping your muscles moving. Even going for a walk, or taking the stairs instead of the lift, will help.



final note

Get the coaching, support and guidance (you need) to help you get lean, build muscle and take control of your body. The accountability, community, tools, and strategies for you to keep the results for good.


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